
Lugares y Acontecimientos

London is the city from which this story is told. Mainly the interactions of Mr.Medhurst and the princess are in the palace of London, specifically in the garden. When Mr.Medhurst visits Janne, he does so in the theater where she performs shortly before her last conversation with the princess. At the beginning of the story Mr. Medhurst is said to be from England. And in the end it is there where he marries and lives with janne.

Ideas Principales Del Texto

The Political Romance: The book constantly plays with the idea of ​​romance at convenience. between families of a political nature, without caring about each other for what the spouses feel, and putting the benefits of such a marriage above all else ...

Personajes del Libro

Main characters: Mr. Ernest Medhust: He describes himself as "A diplomat blessed with a great voice." The youngest of his brothers and considered by himself the least elegant. The princess: Frequently described as "A perfect being ... beautiful and charming", and in some cases a superficial, frivolous and despotic Being ... Secondary characters: Princess Baroness: Presented as a description as "She is grumpy, small and fat" overprotective with the princess and is very defensive on almost all occasions. Monsieur Bennefoy: Practically introduced at first when Mr. Medhurst is about to leave London, he introduces him as his singing teacher. This is an enthusiastic and encouraging man for the protagonist. Janne She is a very emotional and melodramatic girl, she has an incredible attraction for Mr. Medhurst. and is described as a nice and understanding girl The doctor, the prince and the grand duke: These Characters fulfill the role of Antagonists sin...

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Palabras desconocidas del Libro

Link de las Palabras Desconocidas en Google Docs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19fvsMt266oIBzJyn4T-TTHZtYW70S-Y-/view?usp=sharing

Verbos del Libro

Link de Los Verbos en Google Docs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VfA3exNsRpJe2cY06BoHLYMDiZFvmKFV/view?usp=sharing